KAUAI, HAWAII, August 6, 2021 (Carlos Watson Show, Youtube): Kauai and Iraivan Temple got an unexpected shout-out from Vivek Murthy on the Carlos Watson Show of July 13th on YouTube. Dr. Murthy had visited the temple and home of Hinduism Today prior to the pandamic. Transcript of the short remarks follows:

Carlos Watson (host): What’s the most beautiful place you’ve ever been to in the world?

Dr. Murthy: Probably the island of Kauai in Hawaii where I was blessed to take my parents. My mother had all throughout the years of my growing up always showed me this picture of a temple on the island of Kauai. She said one day I hope before I die I’d be able to visit this temple. To be able to take her there to see the extraordinary natural beauty of Kauai, so much of it untouched. It was just a real blessing. This beautiful place filled with beautiful memories. I couldn’t ask more from life than moments like that.
