HONG KONG, August 12, 2021 (CNN Business): We’ve grown used to oat milk and soya milk — now a food-tech startup is taking alternative milk to the next level. California-based Perfect Day uses fungi to make dairy protein that is “molecularly identical” to the protein in cow’s milk, says co-founder Ryan Pandya. That means it can be used to make dairy products such as cheese and yogurt. Perfect Day has assembled the gene that codes for whey protein in cow’s milk, and introduced it into a fungus. When the fungus is grown in fermentation tanks, it produces whey protein, which is then filtered and dried into a powder used in products including cheese and ice cream — which are already on the shelves in the United States and Hong Kong.

“[It’s for] people who still love dairy, but want to feel better about it for themselves, for the planet, and for the animal,” says Pandya. Although Perfect Day’s protein contains no lactose, hormones or cholesterol, it isn’t suitable for people with a dairy allergy. But as the process involves no animals, Pandya describes the product as “vegan-friendly.” It’s also good for the environment. By removing cows from the equation, the production of milk is “dramatically more efficient,” says Pandya, producing up to 97% fewer greenhouse gas emissions than conventional dairy.

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