UNITED STATES, October 18, 2021 (Spotify): Ganesh or Ganesha – also known as Ganpati – is one of the best known Hindu Gods. Easily identified by His elephant head, pot belly and four arms, Ganesha has many fine attributes and is revered as the remover of obstacles and the God of beginnings. As Hindus prepare to celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi (the birth of Lord Ganesha), Mobeen Azhar is joined by Hindu monk Swamini Supriyananda, Dr. David Frawley (Founder of the American Institute of Vedic Studies) and by Dr. Raj Balkaran (Teacher and Consultant at the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies). They discuss why Ganesha is so important and the appeal he has outside the Hindu faith.

This episode of Beyond Belief contains a short audio excerpt on Ganesha from an episode of The Simpsons and an interview with Game of Thrones actor Lena Headey. Listen at “source”.
