INDIA, December 2, 2021 (Firstpost, by Francois Gautier): As Swami Vivekananda rightly said, “No nation can move forward unless it looks squarely at its own history.” However, what I have observed in India is that even now, after eight years of the BJP government, the education that is given to children is basically a British leftover. That is, you learn by heart tremendous amounts of Western knowledge, but you know nothing about Kalidasa, one of the greatest poets ever of humanity, or the Bhagavad Gita, which could be called the Bible of future mankind, or Sri Aurobindo, the supreme philosopher of the 20th and 21st century.

As a result, Indian kids grow up, most of them not being proud of being Indians, rootless, having no grounding in the greatness or the ancient-ness of their own history, their wonderful scriptures, the Vedas, for instance, which have inspired many Western philosophers, from Nietzsche to Voltaire. The greatest brain drain in the world is that of Indians, Hindus in particular, because having been brought up with a Westernized outlook, their only aspiration is to go to the US, UK, Canada, and so on. Where, even though they do brilliantly, they melt into the Western fabric, having retained no Indian-ness, which could make them shine and partake in something of the greatness of the Indian ethos and spirituality.

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Francois Gautier is a French journalist and author of A History of India as It Happened.