GAYA, INDIA, March 25, 2002: About 200 Buddhist monks, led by Bhadant Surai Sasai, on Saturday encircled the Mahabodhi Temple and sat on an indefinite dharna, or protest, demanding the transfer of the temple management to an all-Buddhist committee and effective ban on the entry of people with shoes on in the temple. The Mahabodhi Temple is the most sacred Buddhist shrine where Buddha attained enlightenment about 2,500 years ago. It is also sacred to Hindus. The Buddhists lost control of the temple when it was destroyed by Muslims in the 13th century. The abandoned site was claimed by a Hindu swami, Mahant Ghamandi Giri, in 1590, and his successors have controlled the place since. The monks’ move came as a surprise as the administrative officials were not aware of any such plan. At present the temple is managed by a nine-member committee of five Hindus and four Buddhists.