NEW YORK, NEW YORK, March 29, 2002: “Meeting God: Elements of Hindu Devotion” at the American Museum of Natural History here in New York City got this positive review from the New York Times. “Visitors to this amazing, often moving hodgepodge of a show may or may not encounter the divine presence. But they can easily enter into its mood of euphoric reference and spiritual graciousness while also learning a lot about one of the world’s great religions. The displays roam through art, craft and kitsch (overly sentimental); they include beautiful facsimiles of household Hindu shrines and lavishly costumed, spice-daubed statues. Connecting links are provided by videotapes, music, text panels and, most of all, the color photographs of Steven P. Huyler, one of the exhibition’s organizers. The centerpiece is a stupendous trompe l’oeil (a style of painting that gives an illusion of photographic reality) re-creation of a sacred banyan tree bedecked with offerings and surrounded by sculptures produced by the museum’s diorama artists. It is rare to see so much information, spiritual feeling and visual beauty brought into such effective alignment.”