MANITOBA, CANADA, February 16, 2022 (Manitoba Education): A 126-page Canadian resource guide on Hinduism for grade 12 World Religions was released in 2019 for Manitoba province schools. It has excellen tchapters on: What is Hinduism, Key Writings and Scriptures, Foundational Beliefs, Concepts and Ideas, Historical Figures, Practices, Rituals, Symbols, and Celebrations, Modern Hinduism Challenges, and much more.

It explains that Hinduism is one of the largest world religions along with religions such as Islam, Christianity, and Buddhism. It is also one of the oldest religions. In total, there are over one billion followers of Hinduism in the world today. What we currently refer to as Hinduism was historically and is still currently known as Sanantana Dharma, which means the eternal religion. Defining Hinduism is challenging as Hinduism has no single founder, no single scripture, and no commonly agreed set of teachings. Hinduism has an extensive history with many key figures teaching different philosophies and writing numerous holy books.

This very impressive and comprehensive teacher’s aid on Hinduism can be downloaded at “source”.