KUALA LUMPUR, April 14, 2022 (The Star): After low-key celebrations for two years due to strict Covid-19 standard operating procedure, the Tamil, Sikh and Malayalee communities in the country are set to usher in their respective major festivals in grand fashion today and tomorrow. Chittirai Puttandu, the Tamil New Year, and the Sikh Vaisakhi is celebrated today while the Vishu festival will be observed by the Malayalee community tomorrow. Malaysia Hindu Sangam president Datuk RS Mohan Shan said the Tamil community was expected to celebrate the new year on a grand scale to usher in a new beginning following the relaxation on restrictions after April 1. He said prayers could be held in temples without the need for physical distancing.

The birth of the Tamil month of Chittirai is marked annually on the first day of the Tamil solar calendar. “This year is known as Subakiruthu year and it begins at 10.24am on April 14,” said Shan. Since April 1, the people have been able to enjoy relaxation in restrictions, with the implementation of a set of SOP and nine guidelines which have been simplified from 181 requirements under the National Recovery Plan (NRP). Malaysian Hindu Malayalee Cultural and Traditional Association (PAKAR Malayalee Malaysia) president Dr. NR Nambiar said the new year would be more meaningful to celebrate with family, unlike in the last two years.
