INDIA, September 28, 2022 (Newsroom Odisha): In a tweet to reassure Hindus, the Leicester police said: “To everyone celebrating – a very happy Navratri. There will be a visible and dedicated police presence throughout the celebrations. We’re committed to ensuring everyone can celebrate safely”. The Leicester police increased visible patrolling and gave a shout out to residents to report incidents. It is reportedly investigating 158 incidents related to communal disturbances and steadily charging people for various violations. The police in London hit the ground to keep trouble-makers away from temples. This came after a Muslim group on Twitter, Apna Muslims, gave a call for demonstration outside the Wembley temple. The Brent police said: “We continue our patrols of religious premises, to ensure the safety of all in the borough of Brent”.

Taking note of the threats to the Wembley temple, Barry Gardiner, MP for Brent North tweeted: “I’ve contacted the police about the incitement to demonstrate at a Hindu temple in my constituency tomorrow. Anyone thinking of demonstrating should stay away and recognise that hate crimes carry jail sentences. Hindus should not go to defend the mandir. That is the police job”. Conservative MP from Harrow East, Bob Blackman had last week written to the UK Home Secretary Suella Braverman highlighting that hate crime against the Hindus has been growing. He even sought a meeting with her along with a delegation of Hindus to promote social harmony among communities and provide security to Hindu festivals.The Leicester violence was a shock for multicultural Britain, which has been long espousing diversity of people living under a harmonious umbrella. The government saw those efforts go up in smoke as calls for attacks on Hindu places of worship spread from city to city.

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