INDIA, October 12, 2022 (APN): After a mass conversion of Dalits to Buddhism in Karnataka, the local Dalit leaders threw away their previous Hindu statues into the river Krishna and adopted the new beliefs of Buddhism. A viral video has been making rounds on the internet as three Dalit leaders can be seen throwing their old statues of Hindu Gods into the river. In the video, the three can be seen dropping the statues and pictures of Hindu Gods into the Krishna River in Karnataka. They can also be seen posing for the camera as they carry out this task. After dropping everything into the river they also throw the cardboard box in the water.

The video has been making rounds on the Internet as many came forward to suggest alternatives to disown Hinduism. One user, while agreeing with their freedom to follow any religion, added that this act causes pollution in the river. Another user added to the conversation they said that it is okay for them to follow Buddhism, however, he further remarked that throwing away statues and photos of Hindu Deities into the river and circulating the act is in poor taste. Previous reports of mass conversion of Dalits into Buddhism came to light from Delhi’s Buddha Dhamma Deeksha Samaroh where a mass of Dalits can be seen pledging to disown the worship of Hindu Deities and adopting Buddhism. According to reports, many accounts of converts suggested that they had taken up the path of Buddhism after they came to face discrimination on the basis of caste.

Video can be viewed at source.