LONDON, ENGLAND, April 16, 2002: The UK Yearbook published by the Office of National Statistics offers these statements on the country’s Hindu community. “The Hindu community in the UK originates largely from India, although others have come from countries to which earlier generations had previously migrated, such as Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Malawi. The number of members is around 400,000 to 550,000, although some community representatives suggest a considerably higher figure, close to one million. They are predominantly Gujaratis, between 65% and 70% and Punjabis, between 15% and 20%. Most of the remainder have their ancestral roots in other parts of India, such as Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal and the Southern states, as well as other countries such as Sri Lanka.” The report mentions that there are 1.5 million Muslims in the country, 40 million Christians, 500,000 Sikhs and 330,000 Jews. There are 140 Hindu temples in UK, and over 1,000 mosques. The entire yearbook may be downloaded at “source” above.