NEW DELHI, INDIA, December 21, 2022 ( The travel recovery in India is driven by religious fervor, reveals the latest edition of OYO Cultural Travel 2022 Roundup Report. The report highlights that Varanasi is the top religious destination for bookers across India, followed by Tirupati, Puri, Amritsar and Haridwar. Alongside these cities, Shirdi, Rishikesh, Mathura, Mahabaleshwar and Madurai are the other solid spiritual tourism destinations in India, witnessing maximum growth in bookings over the past year. Varanasi is one of the top pilgrim cities for both Hindus and Buddhists, which explains its popularity among religious tourist destinations across India. With rising interest in community experiences across India, many travelers look forward to exploring rich cultural destinations, lesser-known locations, royal palaces and spiritual or wellness destinations.

Long gone are the days when spiritual tourism was only for a select few. Earlier, travel was bound by summer holidays, winter trips, and post-exam trips, but now it is way more diverse. With the need for spiritual connection taking priority, millennials and GenZ are setting new trends for the industry. With every passing day, spiritual and self-care travel is catching pace, and the demand is growing. In comparison, factors like the availability of hotels, good connectivity to reach the destination, and enough pent-up demand for travel have supported the desire for spiritual and religious journeys.

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