WUPPERTAL, GERMANY, May 19, 2023 (Wuppertaler-Rundschau, translated from German): The annual temple festival took place in the Wuppertal Hindu temple at Hünefeldstrasse 63b. The highlight was the public procession on Saturday (May 20, 2023) from 11 a.m. Since May 12, the temple festival has extended over a total of ten days, with the ninth day being particularly noteworthy. During the procession, the Goddess Sri Navathurgadevi is carried out of the temple and led around the temple building in a sacred float decorated with flowers (“Theer”), accompanied by Kavadi dances and Indian instruments.

Since the lively culture and the colorful world of Hinduism can be seen at this special event, the festival also attracts curious looks from interested outsiders in addition to believers from Wuppertal and the spacious surroundings. With the procession of the Goddess through the streets of the city, She also gives Her blessings to the surroundings of the temple, destroying negative evil forces.
