HOLLAND, May 13, 2002: Twenty Hindu organizations here were greatly alarmed at the receipt of threatening letters containing a yellow powder (harmless, as it turned out). The obscenity-laced letter read in part, “Death to all Hindu dogs. We demand the following from you: 1. Stop your Hindu organizations and cancel all organization activity. 2. Deposit within three weeks all your cashflow in name of our Islamic mosque in your town. There are many, so search yourself and contact them. We want to receive more than 10,000 EURO from you within three weeks. 3. Close your building and stop all activities. Hindus may not have a religion here, because The Netherlands has now become a Muslim nation, Mecca of the Western world, of Europe. This is your punishment for Hindus who vote for Pim Fortuyn.” The original letter is available in Dutch at www.agni.nl/dreigbrieven/secretcell.htm. One organization that received a letter is Agni, info@agni.nl. Our contacts in Holland said that a TV news show reported Hindu organizations had asked their members to vote for Pim Fortuyn, a far-right politician running for parliament in the May 15 elections who was assassinated May 6 by a leftist. However, direct inquiries with Hindu organizations have not found any who recommended their members vote for Fortuyn. He advocated strict immigration limits and integration of admitted immigrants with Dutch society. His party platform singled out Muslims as having culture aspects “diametrically opposed to the desired integration and emancipation, such as arranged marriages and honor revenges.” The police are taking the matter very seriously and investigating.