BALI, INDONESIA, June 28, 2023 (Berita Bali, Google translated from Indonesian): Parisada Hindu Dharma Indonesia (PHDI) Bali together with the Kerobokan Women’s Prison are ready to work together to provide services and training for the provision of convicts in the future. This follows after the signing of a cooperation agreement between PHDI Bali and the Kerobokan General Prison some time ago. Previously, Bali PHDI management together with the Head of the Bali Province National Narcotics Agency visited the Kerobokan Women’s Prison, which has around 200 inmates. Some of them are prisoners with life sentences, and some are even sentenced to death. There were also mothers who were pregnant and gave birth to their babies at the Women’s Prison.

With the condition of the inmates who were in such a way, PHDI Bali together with the community working in the social sector, were moved to help. PHDI Bali together with several institutions such as Pangusada Bali, in the signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), will provide training workers for various forms of services, including Meditation, Prana Healing, Healing Massage, Face Acupressure, Toddler Massage (Baby Spa), Reflection, Herbal Making and others. Inmates are welcome to choose their interests, with the hope that after being released from prison, they will return to society, they will have skills that can be useful, even to become a source of income in the future.