RUMTEK, SIKKIM, INDIA, May 11, 2002: Followers of the 17th Karmapa claimant Urgyen Thinley Dorjee have decided to prevent a Reserve Bank of India official from entering Rumtek monastery to make a court-ordered inventory of its fabulous wealth, a monastery spokesman told reporters here on Saturday. “We will oppose the RBI official tooth and nail if he tries to come here as the very order of the court hurts our sentiments and religious belief,” the spokesman said. Buddhists in Sikkim, especially the followers of Dorjee, have termed the court order as “sacrilege” saying the religious articles cannot be touched by a “non-Buddhist.” Indian law permits the government to investigate and even take over the financial affairs of religious institutions. While in theory the permission extends to all faiths, in practice it is applied almost exclusively to Hindu institutions.