PAKISTAN, May 22, 2002: The Times of India provided an informative roundup of editorial comment in the Pakistan press on the current high level of tension between India and Pakistan. One sample, from the Pak News, is indicative of the kind of thinking going through the nation: “From the recent turn of events it is becoming clear that despite being the frontline state in the global war of terrorism, the Americans and the Indians are both planning a joint attack on Pakistan. On the surface it will be India but with full backing, material and logistics support of coalition forces. US are having joint army exercise in India and India just concluded its own war games. US Assistant Secretary of States for South Asia Christina Rocca was in New Delhi not for peace talks but for strategy on how and when to do launch such an attack. She visited Pakistan just to put Pakistan off guard. It is not a surprise that immediately after her visit firing by India across all of Kashmir Line of Control started. The ‘green signal’ to go ahead for this action and expelling of Ashraf Jehangir Qazi Pakistan’s Ambassador to India appears to have come from the Americans.”