INDIA, November 1, 2023 (Scroll by Minakshi Dewan): Hindus form the majority of the Indian population. According to Hindu traditions, the body is cremated using wood in an open pyre. However, some families choose incinerators that run on electricity or Compressed Natural Gas. For an open-pyre cremation, one needs large quantities of wood – close to 882 to 1323 pounds. Although the wood type and quality vary, the minimum cost of timber is US$ .96 per pound, costing approximately $72 to $84 per funeral. Furthermore, a shroud cost can range from $7.20 to $96. In addition, saamagri, a mixture of dried herbs and ghee offered to the pyre, can cost between $24 to $36. However, the prices may vary depending on the quality and quantity of materials. In addition, dakshina to the pallbearer or sevadars ranges between $6 to $12.

As mentioned above, the expenses vary depending on the family’s economic status and choice. The choice of wood also determines the funeral expenses. For example, some affluent families wish to use sandalwood for cremations – considered more auspicious and purer. If the rites are performed in religious places like Haridwar or Varanasi, then the costs incurred by the families increase. Among Hindus, the post-funeral thirteen-day rituals are elaborate and add to the expenses.

To read more from this excerpt from The Final Farewell: Understanding the Last Rites and Rituals of India’s Major Faiths see source.