TIBET, November 3, 2023 (Lad Bible by Joe Harker): Mount Kailash is a couple of thousand feet shorter than Everest, but nobody’s ever made it up the mountain. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, Kailash is a pretty difficult to reach part of the world, and the physical challenge of getting there and actually climbing the mountain is seen as almost impossible. Steep slopes, almost vertical surfaces and constant snow cover basically rule it out from a climbing perspective. Plus, the high winds and harsh weather only add another set of dangers for potential climbers. Despite these dangers, there have been attempts to climb up Mount Kailash, but groups turn back in part because of the first reason – and also when they learn the second reason nobody’s ever been up there. The mountain is considered a sacred site for four religions, Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism and Bon. While Kailash is a site of pilgrimage for these religions, actually climbing it is forbidden and prospective groups hoping to reach the peak look elsewhere when they learn this.
