GANDHINAGAR, INDIA, May 27, 2002: The National Commission for Minorities (NCM) efforts to broker a peace deal between Hindus and Muslims in Gujarat have run into rough weather, according to this report in the Hindustan Times, with the minorities’ delegation refusing to hold talks with VHP and Bajrang Dal representatives. A meeting between representatives of the two communities was scheduled here for Monday. An NCM delegation, led by deputy chairman Tarlochan Singh, was also scheduled to attend the meeting, but following objections by Muslim leaders the NCM’s visit to Gujarat was called off. The NCM claims it had made some progress during two earlier visits by making Chief Minister Narendra Modi agree to rebuild damaged shrines, file fresh police reports and reconsider claims about missing people. It had also claimed success in bringing together leaders of the two communities so they could discuss and sort out their differences. But this time, the NCM’s efforts were fruitless. Muslim representatives said they did not wish to meet VHP and Bajrang Dal leaders since they believed the VHP and Bajrang Dal were the instigators of the violence in the state. They said they had agreed to meet the Hindu religious leaders, but that people like VHP leader Pravin Togadiya (who was to have been part of the delegation) were political leaders. Tarlochan Singh said the VHP and Bajrang Dal were invited to the meeting because they had been accused of being involved in the riots. There was no question, he said, of legitimizing them as representatives of the Hindu community.