INDIA, February 26, 2024 (The Organiser): In the early 16th century Bharat contributed 25.1 percent of the total world GDP. With subsequent aggressions and finally with British colonization, Bharat’s GDP contributing to the world GDP fell to a mere 1.2 per cent in 1947 when Bharat got its Independence. Today, Bharat contributes only 3.88 percent of the World’s GDP. With the destruction of the Ram Mandir, Bharat and Bharat’s prosperity also got destroyed. Fast forward to today, with the Pran Pratishtha of Ram Lalla, the economy and economics both at Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh and Bharat have changed. Bharat has emerged as the fifth largest economy superseding its colonizer Britain, and once a country seen as a begging bowl is now feeding 800 million people with free food and nutrition. It has emerged as the largest producer of food and food grains in the world.

Uttar Pradesh has added the most number of new investors in 2023 superseding all other fast-growing States like Tamil Nadu or Maharashtra. Uttar Pradesh in fiscal year 2023 emerged as the highest-ranked state in attracting investment funds from banks and financial institutions getting the lion’s share of 16.2 percent of the total funds invested across States. With the construction of Ram Mandir, the city founded by King Manu, ancestor of Bhagwan Shri Ram, Ayodhya has been primed, placed and positioned as a Global City, now recognized as a spiritual tourism spot. Since 2017, Ayodhya has received an investment of US$3.86 billion across 264 projects that include better infrastructure creation, roads, greenfield townships, an international airport, that initially will have a capacity of carrying one million passengers and in the next couple of years the capacity to go up to 6 million, highways, an international spiritual center etc.

More on how the Pran Pratishtha (consecration) of Ram Lalla’s statue in Ayodhya has changed the fortunes of the city, the State and the country at source: