INDIA, May 29, 2024 (Uttra News, translated from Hindi): Due to the closure of offline registration for Char Dham Yatra on account of bad weather, pilgrims were stopped in Haridwar and Rishikesh. Thousands of pilgrims are now stranded there. Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami went to Rishikesh on Monday to take stock of the arrangements for the Char Dham Yatra. There he also talked to the stranded pilgrims and listened to their problems. He told the pilgrims that no devotee would be sent back without darshan. Chief Minister Dhami said that the government is constantly considering reopening offline registration. Due to the same weather, the health of the pilgrims returning from the four Dhams has also deteriorated a lot. Symptoms of cough, cold and fever are being seen in 60% of the pilgrims returning. It is being said that the pilgrims in the plains are not able to adapt themselves to the mountain weather.

Out of the pilgrims who returned to the transit camp in Rishikesh after visiting the Char Dham, about 2,150 pilgrims have got themselves examined, out of which 1,296 pilgrims have been found suffering from cold. According to Vijay Gaud, in-charge of the medical center of the transit camp, most of the pilgrims are from Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, Delhi, Karnataka. Pilgrims do not take the cold conditions in Char Dham seriously. They do not even carry suitable means to protect themselves from the cold. Due to this, pilgrims catch cold while staying amidst the sudden icy temperature. It is being said that the weather in Uttarakhand is quite surprising from plains to mountains. There is scorching heat in the plains. The temperature in Dehradun has crossed 40°C (104°F).