DELHI, INDIA, June 19, 2002: Manushi magazine has established a relief fund for victims of the Gujarat riots. Their press release reads, “The Gujarat riots have rendered nearly 200,000 people homeless in their own home land. Equally alarming is the government’s refusal to provide necessary relief and rehabilitation. Moreover, very few secular agencies have undertaken relief work. Victims from the minority community have been left at the mercy of their religious leaders. This is bound to sharpen the already dangerous communal divide. It is specially important that young children who have experienced or witnessed gruesome forms of communal violence do not grow up feeling totally estranged and bitter from other communities. For this we need to build concrete bridges of communication and caring. Towards this end, Manushi invites contributions for supporting the education of children from riot affected families and help in rebuilding destroyed homes. We will identify recipients in collaboration with local NGOs and keep you informed about the use of the money through pages of Manushi and our website.” For further information, e-mail “source” above, or send contributions to Manushi, C 1/3 Sangam Estate, 1 Underhill Road Civil Lines, Delhi, 110054, India.