TRINIDAD, June 23, 2002: The Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha (SDMS) of Trinidad and Tobago and the History Department of The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine will be jointly hosting a conference on the Hindu Presence in Trinidad and Tobago. The event will be held from October 25 to 27, 2002, at the SDMS Headquarters, Eastern Main Road, St. Augustine and at the Learning Resource Centre, UWI, St. Augustine. Topics for discussion shall include: The Hindu family; age and gender roles; the early establishment of Hinduism; Hindus and politics; non-political leadership in the Hindu community; Hindus and education in Trinidad and Tobago; The Hindu engagement with the non-Hindu world. Abstracts of papers will be received up to July 31, 2002, at the History Department, UWI, St. Augustine. For further information, email source above.