LONDON, ENGLAND, June 30, 2002: Jay Lakhani of the Vivekananda Centre London writes to Hindu Press International that he has received this request from Dr. T. H. Chowdary, Information Technology Advisor for the Government of Andhra Pradesh (e-mail: thc@satyam.comIndia). “We are delighted that you are teaching Hinduism in London. You are doing a great job for Bharat and the world. Here in India in the name of ‘secularism’ teaching Mahabharata, Bhagavata or Ramayana is prohibited, not to talk of Hinduism. But Koran and Bible could be taught. We are de-Hinduizing Indians so that they are becoming prey to the proselytizers and also become resident-non-Indians. I will be grateful if you can send the syllabus that you have drawn up for the London schools where you are teaching Hinduism. A voluntary organization, Society for Peace and Integrated Rural Development (an NGO), is launching a movement to teach Indian culture, civilization and history and literature in colleges as an extra subject. We will be taking inspiration from you and shape the content from the syllabus you have brought. We would be also be grateful if you can write an article on the scheme of teaching Hinduism in the London Schools and other places in UK.” Lakhani expressed surprise that Hindus in India would be appealing to Hindus in England for guidance on how to teach Hinduism.