SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA, June 19, 2002: Mark Morford, columnist for SFgate.com, reported that during dreary rush hour traffic on Highway 12, a large, black, gas guzzling SUV slowed down slightly to allow two small cars to merge into the lane ahead of it without the driver feeling the need to blare his horn or swerve angrily or pull out weaponry. In fact the driver smiled and shrugged and hummed and wasn’t really bothered in the slightest and arrived to work exactly 1.3 seconds later than he would have, otherwise. Morford then stated, “The above non-event was reported nowhere, because if you are not really incredibly violently angry about something, you are not news.” His editorial is a humorous and insightful essay on the fact that good happenings rarely make the news, and that maybe the world would be a better place if they did a bit more often.