PARIS, FRANCE: A sharp increase in the number of cases of “Mad Cow Disease” in French herds has led to a national outcry over the safety of the nation’s supply of beef. Some meat from these herds had reached supermarkets. Many schools have taken beef off the menu, and the government is considering restrictions on the sale of certain cuts. According to the BBC, French President Jacques Chirac has demanded an immediate end to the use of meat and bonemeal in animal feed, amid growing fears over Mad Cow Disease. Earlier, France’s health secretary warned that the country could be facing the prospect of dozens of cases of the human form of the disease, variant CJD. Russia, Hungary and Poland have banned some French meat imports. More than 80 people have died of variant CJD in Britain and the government has warned that the number could grow rapidly. Mad Cow Disease is one reason for the popularity of vegetarianism in England, which is now 6% of the total population and nearly 20% of teenage girls.