NEW DELHI, INDIA, July 14, 2002: Many foreign tourists are leaving Indian shores these days with a broader smile. Literally. Between seeing the Taj and sunbathing at Kovalam, a large number of Europeans, Americans and even Asian tourists are now spending time in the dentist’s chair, getting that perfect and healthy set of teeth. All this for a much cheaper treatment and on a priority basis with state-of-the-art technology. A simple white filling can cost you a mere US$10.20, while an American dentist might charge $75.00 or more. Something as complex as jaw replacement costs $1,020. Private treatment for single tooth bonding in the US costs $500 as against just US$61 in India, says Delhi-based Dr Ekta Chadha who has seen a perceptible rise in the number of dental tourists consulting her. Some medical insurance firms in the UK are taking the initiative and are coming up with plans to sell India as a destination for pleasure and dental work — two terms not often found in the same sentence — by setting up small resorts/dental clinics.