TIMES NEWS NETWORK, VADODARA, INDIA, July 15, 2002: It is not often that “saffron” [of Hinduism] meets “green” [of Islam] in post-Godhra Gujarat, however two religious scholars took on the task at a seminar on peace organized by the Lion’s Club and Idara Khidmate Khalk. Islamic scholar and theologian, Maulana K. R. Sajjad Nomani said a majority of Muslims do not know what their religion stands for. “Muslims themselves have misinterpreted Islam and its practices. A modern and scientific religion is today looked upon as the refuge of fanatics. The Muslim community has to do serious introspection and educate their fellowmen on the true essence of Islam,” Nomani said. He appealed to Hindus not to believe the wrong notions about Islam. “Just because somebody says that Islam is a religion of fundamentalists, don’t believe it. Find out for yourself before making a judgement,” he said.