LONDON, ENGLAND, July 18, 2002: A French newspaper, Liberation, quoted controversial Italian doctor, Severino Antinori, that the first cloned human will see the light of the day in December. Fifty couples unable to conceive because of masculine infertility had volunteered for his cloning program. “I transferred 18 embryos created by cloning, and I obtained one pregnancy,” he said. “The foetus has a good morphology.” Though the identity of the parents was not divulged, Antinori said that the baby would not be born in Italy. A professor at the University of Torvergata, Antinori has been controversial. He made headlines in the past by helping a 62-year-old woman become the oldest mother ever, and last year in Rome he declared that he would clone a human within a year. Other researchers have warned that humans born of cloning would suffer from a number of physical abnormalities, including fatty livers, under-developed lungs and a defective immune system.