MUMBAI, INDIA, July 19, 2002: Uttar Pradesh has joined the list of states where pan masala (betel leaf and nut) and gutka (a tobacco product) are under an official ban following Thursday’s order by the Allahabad High court directing the Uttar Pradesh government to ban the sale, production and advertisement of pan masala and gutka. The ban in UP comes just a day after the ban was announced in Maharashtra. In Mumbai, the organizers of festivals are worried that the ban will affect celebrations this year. For several years, gutka manufacturers have been sponsoring all major festivals like Janmashtami and Dandiyai in the city. Festival organizers are on the lookout for new sponsors. About three million people are addicted to gutka in Maharashtra and these festivals are used by the manufacturers as there main form of advertising to reach new consumers. Many experts would like to see the ban extend to all tobacco products.