NORTH CAROLINA, USA, August 7, 2002: A US university that included a book on the Koran in a class for new students is being sued by a Christian organization and a group of students. The case began when the University of North Carolina chose professor Michael Sells’s book, “Approaching the Qur’an” for one of its courses. Students were required to read the book — a translation into English of passages from Islam’s holy book — as part of a first-year course. But the Christian American Family Association Center for Law & Policy filed a lawsuit on behalf of three students and two former students in late July. It claimed that the university’s requirement to read the book violated their First Amendment rights (forbidding the government from promoting or endorsing a religion). It added that the book does not present a full picture of Islam as it does not contain passages cited by Islamic militants as justification for acts of terror. The case remains in the courts.