MADURAI, INDIA, August 21, 2002: At least 105 children were “buried alive” for one minute in Perayur village, near Madurai, on Wednesday to propitiate two female deities even as a government minister watched. The children — who were first rendered unconscious — were sunk into makeshift graves, covered completely, kept there for 60 seconds and then pulled out. Perayur has been following this tradition for years. The Kuzhi Maatru Thiruvizha — or the festival of the pits — is observed every five-seven years. All villagers participate in the ritual, burying their children in the hope that their wishes will be granted. Only pre-pubescent girls are chosen for the ritual, while no such condition is imposed in the case of boys. Family members first sprinkle holy ash on the child’s head and then spray his or her face with turmeric water, after which the child falls unconscious. The child is then wrapped in a yellow cloth and taken to the burial ground in front of the temple. After the child is buried, his or her parents break a coconut and offer prayers. The entire episode lasts for a minute, after which the priest signals for the pit to be opened. The cloth around the head is unwrapped and the child is taken away by his or her relatives. Kaliraj, former president of the Perayur Town panchayat, says there has never been any mishap in the ceremony, which will be held again in seven years.