AUSTIN, TEXAS, August, 24, 2002: Hindu creation theory, astronomical time spans, binary system of number representation, modern languages, the invention of zero and algorithms are but some of the scholarly subjects detailing Hindu scientific accomplishments on this University of Texas website. One small example: “Astronomical time spans: Apart from the peoples of the Mayan civilization, the ancient Hindus appear to be the only people who even thought beyond a few thousand years. In the famed book Cosmos, physicist-astronomer-teacher Carl Sagan writes “The dates on Mayan inscriptions also range deep into the past and occasionally far into the future. One inscription refers to a time more than a million years ago and another perhaps refers to events of 400 million years ago … the time scales are prodigious.” Hindu scriptures refer to time scales that vary from ordinary Earth day and night to the day and night of the Brahma that are a few billion earth years long. Sagan continues, “A millennium before Europeans were willing to divest themselves of the Biblical idea that the world was a few thousand years old, the Mayans were thinking of millions and the Hindus billions.”