KENDALL PARK, NEW JERSEY, August 24, 2002: Poojaneeya Sadhwi Ritambara addressed a gathering of about five hundred Hindus at Durga Mandir, Kendall Park, New Jersey on August 24. A report forwarded by one of her devotees (“source” above) states that Ritambara gave investment tips to the audience. She advised Hindus to invest in the most undervalued stock — children in America. She also advised the audience to invest in “the most neglected but highly undervalued stock, the Hindu children of Bharath.” Ritambara promoted such programs as the Vatsalya Gram Project, Ekal Vidyaalay Foundation and Adopt-a Child program under India Development Relief Fund, saying, “Earnings on these investments were immense with no possibility of capital risk.” While she was happy to see the mushrooming of Hindu temples in America, Ritambara appealed to Hindus to “shun divisive mentality, which could lead to temples studded with gold tops but no devotees to visit few years from now, because it fails to make Hindu children proud of their heritage and culture and keep them united.”