MUMBAI, INDIA, August 31, 2002: In the narrow lanes of Mumbai and elsewhere in Maharashtra, groups of youngsters formed human pyramids and brought down earthen pots brimming with curds and milk on the occasion of Krishna Janmashtami on Saturday. Pots, filled with fresh white curds, home-made butter milk, bananas and a coconut were hung several feet above ground level with the help of thick ropes, decorated with green mango leaves and bright orange marigold flowers in various sections of Mumbai. Scores of spectators lined up to view the pot breaking ritual, organized annually to mark Krishna’s favorite prank of robbing his favorite dish, home-made curds, by forming a human pyramid to reach the pot hung high up. In various parts of Mumbai, professional groups who had undergone several weeks of training, participated in pot breaking competition with pyramids of six people high made up of dozens on youth.