Source: The Standard (St. Catherines)

NIAGARA FALLS, ONTARIO, CANADA, August 23, 2002: Hindu families in Niagara Falls, approximately 200 in number, now have a place to worship each week. Three years ago the Hindu Samaj purchased the Moose Lodge and converted it into a temple. Previous to that, families had taken turns worshipping at each other’s homes since 1982. The Samaj has hired a priest to perform pujas at the temple. Anamitra Shome, a member of the temple, says, “While I see Hindus are just going to become more and more integrated with the rest of the community in the Niagara region, I also feel that they will be able to retain their ancient values.” Kanchan Rege, one of the directors of the temple says, “Hinduism is a way of life. The final goal of a Hindu is to mold with the absolute. You will become one with God.” Shome further explains, “Every Hindu basically strives to be free or emancipated from the cycle of birth and death and to be one with the universal soul.”