NEW DELHI, INDIA, October 13, 2002: Close on the heels of the recently concluded 18th International Ramayan Conference, Durban, South Africa, will host an International Conference on Lord Hanuman, announced Lallan Prasad Vyas, International Ramayan Conference Secretary General. The Divine Life Society, Ramakrishna Mission of South Africa and Vishwa Sahitya Sanskriti Sansthan will jointly organize the three-day International Conference on Hanuman, scheduled to begin on April 18. Giving details of the 18th Ramayana Conference at the University of Durban-Westville Hindu Center, Vyas said this was the first such conference held on the African continent. Vyas, who inaugurated the earlier three-day conference, said it was well attended with delegates from India, US, UK, Mauritius, Thailand, Surinam, Guyana, Japan, France and Sri Lanka. “A high point of the conference was the conferment of the ‘International Ramayan Conference Human Solidarity Award’ on former South African President Nelson Mandela, sending out a strong message that not only the great anti-apartheid leader had been honored but also the fact that a common thread of unity ran through all religions, races and castes.”