RISHIKESH, INDIA, October 25, 2002: Swami Rama Sadhana Mandir Trust and Swami Rama’s Himalayan Institute Hospital will convene an International Conference on Science and Meditation, November 10 through the 12, 2002, near Rishikesh, India. The ICSM offers a unique opportunity for dialogue between practitioners of various meditative traditions and with scientists, whose expertise in meditation research is authentic and difficult to refute. Swami Rama’s Disciple, Mahamandaleshwara Sri Swami Veda Bharati, Spiritual Guide of the HIHT has inspired this conference to benefit both researchers and practitioners at all levels. The fee for the conference to be paid before September 15, is US$180, after September 15, $220. This will includes room, board, ground transportation from Delhi and all conference events. For conference details readers may contact “source” above.