Source: Deccan Chronicle

NEW DELHI, INDIA, November 15, 2002: The dome shape of parliament is being blamed for the frequent bedlam that ensues inside the building as well as the large number of internal and external problems the country is facing. Vastu expert Ashwinie Kumar Bansal says the Parliament building is an odd piece of architecture that has been built according to the fancies of foreigners and does not relate to Indian architectural, cultural or Vastu values. Vastu Shastra is the science of temple and building construction for harmony with the forces of nature, man and God. Bansal attributed a host of problems to the British-built Parliament building. These include political instability, the country’s partition in 1947, communal disharmony, the terror attack in December, wars, unemployment, poverty and illiteracy. He adds that the building was also bad for those who built it in 1921. After 1921, India faced a series of upheavals that eventually overthrew the British rulers. Bansal, author of 33 books on Vastu and Feng Shui, inspected Parliament twice this year at the invitation of Lok Sabha speaker Manohar Joshi.