Source: New Jersey Media Group

BERGEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, November 28, 2002: This heart-warming article describes a Hindu family living life following Hindu values and ideals. Kokila and Kishor Vyas were honored by the New Jersey Parents Foundation last July as Parents of the Year. Kokila recalls a message delivered by a Hindu priest at a festival in 1986 who said, “An over-emphasis on accumulating wealth comes at the risk of losing one’s children.” Soon after, Kokila quit her job and stayed home to tend to her newborn son, Shaunak. As part of the family sacrifice, Kishor sometimes had to work longer hours to meet expenses, however, the couple persevered and attribute their success to their Hindu faith. Through living frugally, Kokila has always been there for both their children, Shaunak now 16, and his 14-year old sister, Jigisha. Her presence has enabled the teenagers to participate in drama, sports, dance, school plays and more. Kishor’s aging parents now live in their home, too. Kishor says, “Keeping any religion helps make a good family life. Prayer and values help children in any society.” The Vyas start each day with prayers in the family shrine room and they attend many religious and cultural programs offered by the Arya Samaj Hindu congregation. Shaunak and Jigisha have emulated their parents by giving back to the community through volunteer work with organizations such as the March of Dimes and Oakland Animal Refuge. Kokila says, “Shaunak and Jigisha follow how we are talking to each other, not fighting in 23 years of marriage.” After the children are grown, Kishor and Kokila plan to reach out to the community by teaching children’s religious classes. On a final note the couple adds, “We don’t expect anything material from our children. Spiritual achievement should be the goal of life. When they keep good grades and they love us, that’s our gift.”