Source: Vancouver Sun

BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA, December 11, 2002: The following is a letter to the editor, Vancouver Sun: “We, 40 clergy of diverse historic faiths in the Greater Vancouver regional district, have banded together as the Clergy for Compassion and Harmony (CCH). We would like to state categorically that we, religious leaders of many of the Buddhist, visible minority Christian, Hindu, Islamic, Jain, Kabir, Konko, Sikh and Zoroastrian faith communities, do not support any letters to the editor claiming to be concerned that the celebration of Christmas is embarrassing to or disrespectful of the religious sensitivities of the people of other faiths. A few self-appointed individuals, at this time of Advent and the Christmas season, may voice disapproval of joyous public celebration of Christmas as offensive to the people of other faiths. We do not believe they really represent the people of minority faiths. The CCH rejoices with the Christian majority peoples in their celebration of the birth of their savior. May Christians receive special blessings and renewal in their faith and life through all their joyous reflection and celebration at this season. We trust that Christians in their turn respect and accept the joyous celebration of festivals of other faiths. Acharya S.P. Dwivedi, President, Clergy for Compassion and Harmony.”