KATHMANDU, NEPAL, December 23, 2002: The following is a recent article from a Christian group sending missionaries into Nepal: “On December 2, twelve mothers and I left for Nepal to visit four branch churches in the Himalaya Mountain area. We went as far as we could by vehicle; then we walked from church to church. I taught the women, and the mothers from our home church shared their testimonies. In one place the mothers were very old — one was 90. In every place, we had wonderful fellowship and the women received a special blessing from God. We slept in the churches at night and held our meetings during daylight hours. The believers from the host churches prepared our meals. We didn’t have any night meetings as the political situation [activity of rebels in the area] is very unstable. The people of these places are very poor and live in miserable conditions. We were very touched to see their impoverished condition, but praise God that we were able to encourage them. The last place we went had a larger and better meeting hall than the others. We rested there and had fellowship with the mothers both old and young. The next day we went to a hill town where we rented two cars and drove two hours to the location of a watchtower on a hilltop. We all climbed up and from there we looked in all directions and prayed for Nepal…The mothers of our church are now praying to go out to other places and minister to our sisters in the Lord…” HPI adds: It is illegal to convert a person from one religion to another in Nepal, but the law is not enforced.