LUCKNOW, INDIA, December 30, 2002: To promote and propagate the Ramayana and the spiritual, social and cultural values that the epic holds, the government of Mauritius has taken the responsibility to run The Ramayana Center. Rajendra Arun, chairman of the center, briefed the press here on Saturday about plans to provide guidance and support for intellectual and moral development of the Hindu community and society at large, through the center. In the National Assembly of Mauritius all members, including Hindus, Muslims and Christians, unanimously passed the act related to this center. “This reflected the importance of the values of Ramayana,” Arun said. Arun proposed to set up a branch of the center in India also. He said that it was necessary “as the feeling of insecurity had developed into fear, and that is the root cause of all ailments. Unfortunately people in India, which is the land of Rama, do not remember the message that Ramayana delivers.”