VADODARA, INDIA, February 2, 2003: It seems to be a no-win situation for the US fast food chain McDonald’s which has now stirred up activists here for posters saying beef is not sold in its outlets. Sarvadharm Jivdaya Samiti activists entered an outlet on Saturday, asking that the display boards be removed. SJS activists said the boards implied that beef was consumable, although not sold at the restaurant. They forcibly removed one sign and asked employees working there to remove the others. Deepak Gandhi, SJS member, said the fact that McDonald’s had to make such an announcement indicated something was wrong. He said no other restaurant in the city felt the need to make such an announcement. McDonald’s representatives here said, “It (the sign) was for dispelling apprehensions among those who come to eat here. However, it has been misunderstood. The issue is being raked up unnecessarily.” A McDonald’s spokesperson in Mumbai said,”…we have been maintaining total segregation of vegetarian and non-vegetarian material from the suppliers. It is also true that we do not serve beef in India and have always taken care not to hurt religious sentiments.”