KURUKSHETRA, INDIA, February 4, 2003: Jagmohan, Union Minister for Tourism and Culture, announced on Tuesday that the Centre has launched a plan to unearth lost cities which once existed along the embankments of Saraswati River, and left a number of signposts of the Saraswati-Indus civilization from Adi Badri near Kurukshetra to Dhola Vira in Gujarat. Addressing the students of Kurukshetra University at the 25th convocation here, he said that “all these signposts are intended to be converted into new centers, all over the country, in which elements of culture, tourism and clean civic life are being synthesized.” He added that Kurukshetra (of Mahabharata fame) is being given a top position in the list of such centers to make it a symbol of a resurgent and reawakened India.