KOCHI, INDIA, February 12, 2003: Traditional Hindu marriage rituals are fast becoming popular among Westerners who crisscross continents and fly to Kerala to take their wedding vows. The former Dutch palace at Bolghatty, now a hotel of the Kerala Tourism Development Corporation, was the venue of one such wedding on Monday. For the bride, Nicola Pauling, a journalist with Reuters and groom John Freeman, a pharmaceutical retailer from UK, Kochi was their dream venue, which they chose six months ago after a visit here. Two weeks ago, a Canadian couple, who had been married for 40 years, were married again in traditional Hindu style. HPI adds: British Rock star Mick Jagger and supermodel Jerry Hall were married in Bali on November 21, 1990, in a Hindu ceremony. A British high court ruled their Hindu marriage null and void August 13, 1999, because it did not adhere to the laws of Indonesia. Regarding marriage in Indonesia the law states, “Law No. 1 of 1974 concerning marriages in Indonesia, Article 2 (1): a marriage is legitimate if it has been performed according to the laws of the respective religious beliefs of the parties concerned.” To be married in a Hindu ceremony in Indonesia one must already be Hindu, or sign a paper before the marriage that you are converting to the religion of your spouse (who must already be Hindu). A Hindu marriage of non-Hindus may similarly be invalid in India. A related question is whether Hindu priests should perform wedding ceremonies for non-Hindus if they are already married as was the case in Kerala. Bali priests rethought their policies after the Jagger annulment. Readers with comments, please send them to HPI.