KATHMANDU, NEPAL, February 28, 2003: Bharat Keshar Simha, retired major general of the Royal Nepalese Army and honorary ADC to His Majesty the King, was recently elected unanimously as the president of the World Hindu Federation at their recent meeting in Gorakhpur, India. Asked whether the WHF, being a religious organization, can influence politics, Mr. Simha stated, “Definitely it can. I firmly believe that religion and politics are different. But having said that, I would like to draw attention to the sort of behavior our leaders are conducting and the fact that they are dragging religion into politics, instead of being the other way round. All their actions should be dominated by dharma. Though we translate dharma as religion, it is totally different. I think dharma is more inclusive and more meaningful. Whereas religion merely divides people — like there are Christians, Muslims, Hindus and so on — dharma, especially the Sanatana Dharma, actually is for all humankind. Irrespective of any religion, dharma is the way of life for every human being.” To read the complete interview go to “source” above.