KANPUR, INDIA, March 3, 2003: The United Nations has declared 2003 as the International Year of Freshwater and March 22 is the World Water Day. The environmental group, Eco Friends, is launching a massive Ganga cleanup campaign in Kanpur from March 16 to March 22, 2003. The objective behind this campaign is to make the six-mile stretch of Kanpur Ganga visibly clean. It also aims to focus awareness on the Ganga River as a national heritage and foster a sense of responsibility to keep it clean. Eco Friends, with support from the Ganga communities, plan to physically clean the river in Kanpur by removing carcasses, polythene bags and other sources of pollution. The cleaning of the river is planned in three phases and will be accompanied by a series of educational and mobilization programs to bring public awareness on the issue of cleaning the Ganga River and keeping it free of pollution.