
UNITED STATES, April 9, 2003: A Web site created by Students Improving the Lives of Animals (SILA), a University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign animal advocacy group, is providing information useful to individuals trying to convince schools to offer alternatives to dissection. The site, which provides listings of videos, CD-ROMs, books and other alternatives, is focused on classroom dissection as not only an animal welfare issue, but a student rights one. “Conscientious objectors to classroom dissection and vivisection are protected under the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment from being forced to harm or kill animals in their public…education,” according to a SILA spokesperson. “The courts agree, and for over decade, students at all levels — from high school through college and even veterinary school — have won the right to alternatives.” SILA was formed during the Fall of 2001 to promote the employment of alternatives to classroom dissection and improve the welfare of University of Illinois and other laboratory animals.